


19 July 2015


“Life is a zoo in a jungle”

Peter De Vries


Outfit: AZUL – Anais ; Yellow/Tourmaline (new release)

Dono con fiocco Hair: LALA Moon – Valeria (exclusive gift for Hair Fair 2015) Dono con fiocco

Skin/Mesh Lips/Make up: PXL creations – Shara skin with applier for sweet lips (exclusive for Wayward Carnival)

Dono con fiocco Head accessory: Tableau Vivant – Hairdressing (exclusive gift for Hair Fair 2015) Dono con fiocco

Pose: Vestige – Modeling 4 ; F 17 (new release)


I suggest you to visit Hair Fair 2015. There are 4 sim full of hairs. Every creator has a gift/freebie in store so you can find many cute hair Dono con fiocco

PXL Creations is proud to introduce a new set of Makeups for Shara skin in Pale and Natural tone. I wear the pale one in this photo. Each skin contains: 1 Eyebrows shading (embedded on the skin), Freckle Tattoos (3 shading), Moles Tattoos (3 shadings), Cleavage Tattoos (2 options), 3 LipGloss, Nail eraser on a glove and SweetLips Appliers. I really love this skin Cuore rosso

Vestige has created many new poses so visit the store and try them Cuore rosso

and remember, shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist!



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